My dog Punkin. She nearly died today. A piece of a rubber bone that she swallowed lodged in her intestine. She is not out of the woods yet. O Lord, thank you for good veterinarians. Thank you for dogs.
Furry face big head
Happiness chewed into bits
The life or death toy
so cute…she looks so cozy IN that couch! I hope she feels better soon!
Poor lil’ punkin pup. Praying for both of you.
You know how I love that dog noggin. Poor little doggie of little brain–doesn’t know she should chew her bits of toy first before she swallows. I take it you got your car started. Are they going to let you visit her at the vet today?
I’m so sorry, Susan! And yes, of COURSE we pray for dogs! We are doing just that over here. Keep us updated…
The mercies of God,
sweeter than honey, encase
us in hope’s coccoon.