A torrent of words
Angles toward forehead her
Hand covers my eyes
All you need is love dut da-dah da-dah, all you need is love dut da-dah da-dah, all you need is love love, love is all you need. Haiku are like icing–sweet but not entirely necessary.
A heart, rock-encased
A worn red, quivering raw
Where deep ache resides.
A torrent of words
Angles toward forehead her
Hand covers my eyes
All you need is love dut da-dah da-dah, all you need is love dut da-dah da-dah, all you need is love love, love is all you need. Haiku are like icing–sweet but not entirely necessary.
Bethany–nice take on the Rose under black skin.
scion is a word I dig muchly.
on the other hand, I limped across the finish line today. had a spontaneous mini-date with my wife at lunch today instead of hi-kooing.
African onyx,
Ebon cloak of ink, smile wide
Out shines rosy cheeks