Within the bewildering paradox of suffering and beauty, we often miss the Invisible One. Never quite what you’d imagine, the nudge of his Presence can be mind-bending. More often, the Almighty gives no more than a slender warble. This collection is about finding the presence of God in spite of and because of the trappings that make us most human.
A nose-to-nose encounter with God, would be blinding. Thankfully for now, God is invisible. Yet this too perplexes believers. Seemingly absent, his promised presence becomes, at times, a black hole into which prayers are shouted, a field of gravity so dense one wonders how love embodies the core.
Have you been there?
Mostly, we shrug and go back to life.
And perhaps that’s how it begins, no more than a chirp filtering through the noise of life; a snatch of birdsong that makes you sit up, cock your head, and hasten to the window.
Perhaps, the song was not only made for you, it was sung to you. A small nudge from Him.
I tremble putting nudges into words. The presence of God reliably resists being pinned down. These pages explore universal humanness, challenges that break us, that save us. Through them may He himself elucidate the Warbler in ways you could not guess